We don’t believe in marketing – we prefer incredible story telling. And with our digital stories, we make you reach out to the right audience and make your brand a flourishing one.
Digital Marketing Services
You can target super specific audiences with laser focus, then track exactly how your message resonates with them.
Target the Right Audience
At EBS, we ensure your brand hits the bull’s eye with a right form of audience, leveraging social media platforms, SEO, PPC and much more. This way, your brand is always in front of the correct audience, who are your potential buyers and you generate sales.

Content that Converts
Persuasive and compelling content is what drives the audience to take the necessary steps to accept your brand. We help you create the cornerstone content in the forms of blogs, vlogs, highly engaging social media content and a lucrative website. All these collective effort compound and ensure your audience takes necessary steps to drive them into action.

Boost Brand Awareness
With multiple digital platforms, our experts guide you in raising brand awareness about your product and services. Our top experts are fully aware about how a particular social media platform works and how we need to exploit it for maximum returns. We ensure your brand reaches to the right audience and create a lasting impact on them

Data-Driven Decisions
Our experts are constantly looking at the data and how it is affecting the market. This in depth data mining and execution backed by long term strategies ensures mesmerizing results of your business.
Maximize Your ROI
Let every penny count. Our experts at EBS ensure that you get value for money. The in depth knowledge, marketing expertise and data driven strategy, we ensure you cash back on your investments in the long run.

Stay Ahead of the Curve
The digital landscape has evolved drastically and is only looking promising. Our experts are pre-informed about the latest technologies yet to make an impact. And we add these valuable insights in your business allowing you to stay ahead of the competition.

Measure and Analyze
Measuring is a must to track growth. We ensure to keep your back with data pertaining to your business. It involves weekly and monthly report about your business for you to analyze and measure growth.

Scale Your Success
Scaling your business with online reach is unparallel and unprecedented. Digital marketing allows you to connect with virtually everyone globally.

The Potential of Digital World
Digital marketing spends globally, for the year 2023 was 681 billion dollars. This is nearly 70% of total ad spends across all business domains of the world. Average person spends about 150 minutes daily on digital media each day. This translates into a whopping 720 billion minutes per day or 500 million years of collective time humans spend.
Looking at this figure, it is a child’s play to deduce for anyone the potential of digital marketing. Why is it so important and the science behind pursuing it for financial gains.
What is digital marketing services
Before we jump on to digital marketing, we should know what is marketing. Marketing, simply put, is an awareness that is spread about a particular brand of product, service or experience amongst the broad masses. And there can be different media for propagating and propelling the brand awareness. One of such media is digital platform where we make use of digital gadgets to spread the information.
This unfurling of information across a given population in a city, state, nation or across the globe is digital marketing.
Why is digital marketing important?
To sell any product and services, an organization needs to spread information about it. These day, digital media is the most penetrative ways that people invited into their own lives by their own free will. As per Jan 2024, there are 5.35 billion people who are active on the internet. This is 66.2 percent of the total population of the world.
Nearly one third of the world is directly using digital media which makes an immensely crucial market to tap. Being able to scratch just one percent of the market can earn you a fortune. Almost everyone is connected to each other through mysteriously complex intricate system of Internet. People carry internet in their pockets all times – that is their mobile phone, which is the hub of digital media.
And since everyone is so approachable, we must approach them with a good business prospect. And missing out on digital marketing is like, deliberately walking away from a fortunate, fulfilling and prosperous future.
Let us have a look at some statistics of Digital Marketing
What does digital marketing include?
SEO – search engine optimization
SEO is a way to optimize your content and structure it in a way so that it starts ranking on the first page and possible in top 5 search results. This is a unique way of making your structure stand out on the internet and fetch you potential clients.
Franchise SEO
SEO is also of many types. One of them is Franchise SEO. There are many people across the globe, who own the franchise of a particular brand. Although the parent company do push a lot of money into marketing and paid campaign to make every of its outlet work, yet, it is not enough. This is where Franchise SEO comes into play. Where we optimize the content of a franchise owner in such exquisite and resplendent manner, that it attracts clients.
Amazon SEO
Amazon SEO is one of the latest types of SEO. As per sellerapp, there are 9.7 million sellers on amazon, out of which, 1.9 million are active. And 574 billion dollars of sales took place on Amazon for the fiscal year 2023. With such a humongous market, it only becomes all the more enticing to not only be on amazon, but be in front of everyone’s eyes. Since there are millions of sellers on Amazon, we ensure to place you on such high pedestal, that you are visible to everyone. This generates potential leads and hence, customers.
So if you are an amazon seller, we are the right pick for you.
Local SEO
small to medium sized business owners, who cater a local market place have good news. We, at EBS, know exactly how to boost your business by making your business stand out for most of the searches pertaining to your business. Local SEO markets are as intense as giant companies. And with newer business competitor entering the already saturated market – we enable you to take and retain the lion’s share.
Technical SEO
This means to look at the technical side of the SEO. And it requires a vastly insightful realm of the Technical SEO specialist in terms of crawling, rendering, indexing, mobile optimization, page speed, etc. simply putting the content in textual or visual form is not enough. We look at a lot of important aspects that search engines demand and fulfill them. Take for example the page load speed. According to Statista – 40% visitor derelict their search if your webpage takes more than 3 seconds to load.
This is how fast you have to be. We ensure to meet all the core web-vitals of search engines and execute them. And this helps you to get your business in the good books of the search engine and therefore fetch you customers.
Link building
You can have a top-notch content on your website, but it may just be too vainglorious if it doesn’t have a backlink. You see, just having a fantabulous content is not enough, backlinks matter too. Backlinks are those links which build a connection between two websites. And the more the backlinks, the better your chances to rank for a search query.
But, quality of backlinks matters more than the quantity. We ensure that we build high quality backlink so that your business gets that much needed boost.
Web Design Development
For a business to become stable, it must have a very strong web design and development. Web design is how your websites overall look and appeal is and how would a user navigate through it. On the other hand, web development is more to building of a web site. It has front end and back end. Front end is how the website looks to the user and back end is what makes the website function.
We have exceedingly insightful vision as to what kind of web design and development suits a particular business. And how to make it work.
Custom Website
We recommend custom website to the people when regular template-based websites are not enough. A template-based website on a normal technology can be good to start with. But, as the business grows, becomes intense and traffic starts to increase, you need to move on to custom designs. Custom coded website ushers more control on each parameter of website and allows the seamless interaction of humans and technology.
Custom coded website evolves as a natural extension of the user.
Pay Per Click
As the internet evolved and more and more of traffic moved to internet, people moved their business on the web. Pay per click ads help you to showcase your website on the top of the search results. And with this started the trend of running ads on internet where you pay for each click that the customer makes on your website.
Each visitor clicking on your website is a potential customer. A confirmed lead. Someone, whom you know wants to buy what you are selling. Now it is only profitable for you to establish a connection and converting him in sales.
Video Production
We have produced and edited more than three thousand videos. This means we are fairly well acquainted with how you need to make the video and how to edit them. And since we are living in a world heavily dependent on videos, it only makes a lot of sense, to create persuasive videos. This allows your brand to becomes noticeable, acceptable and palatable. Once the public accepts you, it opens further doors to profitable market for you.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is quite similar to digital marketing. In all earnestness, digital marketing is an umbrella term which encompasses all the sort of marketing under it, that plays on digital screen. All though social media is the platform which has taken away the majority market.
And just like SEO, you also need to optimize you content that you put on social media and then market it. It requires a whole different level of expertise and multi-dimensional skill set to pull off with SMM. Since there are millions of creators. And each domain is having large entrenched competitors against whom you pit yourself. This in itself is quite scary and horrifying. But, trust us that we would make your seemingly impossible and tough journey - easy, and make you reach your destination.
Paid Marketing Campaigns
Organic flow of traffic is important, but paid marketing campaigns give you an enormous head start. And especially if you have just commenced your business. In this case, it becomes all the more indispensable. And, we run paid marketing campaigns across all the social and digital media platform with high accuracy.
We know exactly how the customers move in a market, their behavior, what they like and what they avoid. We have a vast experience of dealing with a vast majority of customers, that we know what they want and how to fulfill them.
Google Ads
Google is the most trustable source of information across the globe. And it has been leading the world in the field of innovative technology. People believe in google because of its ground breaking technology backed services – which are free for the entire world.
People get their latest information updates from google. And this explains in itself – what importance google ads hold. Plus, it requires the right expertise of a person who belongs to the field of SEO to execute your ad properly. Trust us when we say, google ads is not only about putting the money on the line and expecting leads. Or more the money you put, the more the leads you get. Infact, we know exactly those methods which can fetch you handsome business in budget friendly prices.
Social Media Ads
Since the entire world is now living on social media, it describes in itself why ads on social media are important. With more than 5 billion people on social media – our one, rightfully executed ad can do wonders.
Like google ads, social media ads also require right knowledge for a social media ad to perform. Our realm in social media is unparallel and the social media ads start to perform from day one.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is all about building and retaining audience by marketing luscious and eye candy content. This accounts for every type of content like blogs, websites, podcasts, press release, print publication, social media, etc.
Since web contains too much of content in every niche and on every topic, that standing out becomes very difficult. We push the content on web in such a meticulous manner, that it starts to exhibit wonderful results in the form of customers connecting with you.
Online Reputation Management
Building reputation is important in the world. Whether it is for human beings or for a business. And people have a default response to anything and everything. A nicely organized and neatly packed product or well present services will always garner and command more respect than a sloppy one.
Once we embark on your online reputation management, we ensure that your brand value generates positive and cordial image in the minds of customers. We build you reputation in such conscientious manner that it resonates with the people and generates credibility. This allows your brand to grow in authority, increase leads and improve overall sales.
Conversion Rate Optimization
Many business owners have a common sob story, that customers are landing up on their profile, but very less turn into sales. But, we control this onerous situation by scrupulous planning via conversion rate optimization. CRO includes those set of processes that we follow, which in a way, very subtly increase your visitors to take desired action.
For this we conduct multi variate analysis of how the customers interact with your business and behave. And we try to find out those key weak links which are causing the customers to go berserk and erratic. It may include sending newsletter, optimizing website, sending messages, improving app, subtle follow-up. Or we may lay out a fresh blue print specifically designed for your business.
Influencer Marketing
There is no doubt that social media influencers are as boisterous and robust force as the mainstream celebrities. Except that influencers are way more affordable to the latter. Today, social media influencers have created a loyal fan base who follow and track their every move incessantly.
We know how to get in talks with the influencers at a price which fits your budget. And this allows to you reach out with your business to a greater number of people through a targeted social influencers marketing.
Email Marketing
To build a relationship with customers via email is still one of the most professional ways of marketing. And email marketing best suits business to business domain. Email marketing allows you to get in touch with the best-in-class business houses and pitch your proposal in meeting.
Email marketing is a lot more sophisticated process in comparison to the rest of the marketing techniques. Since this involves a lot more informative and intellectual class of people, we devise plans to move ahead with specific email threads. It is one of the most patience demanding marketing, but it fetches the heftiest business from all domains.
How do digital marketing help you grow?
Entire population of the world has gone digital in some way or the other. Both customers and business owners have their digital presence. And in most cases, people first interact digitally, and then move on to physical interactions. Yet, due to the global reach of digital market, trillions of dollars of worth of sale is happening digitally.
Digital marketing helps you generate remarkable brand awareness amongst the masses. No matter which platform you use for digital marketing, you can always track your results with accuracy and precision. And the best part is that it is way more cost effective in comparison to conventional marketing. For most part, it is actually free. For which you get to interact with a global audience. This opens the gates to opportunity that you may have never imagined.
Roughly one million searches happen every ten seconds globally. Just allow that to settle in for a moment and cogitate over it with a clear acumen. People are constantly searching for something or the other. Would not it be great to be in front of your potential customers till they accept you and become your actual customer.
What industries do we cater to?
We cater to vast range of industries, be a beauty salon, medical people, small medium or large enterprise. Since we have a really diverse experience – we spear head through every industry in our innovative ways which fits the best to a specific domain.
Since each domain is different from the other, we ensure to formulate an extremely out of the box, and eminently competitive plan. This approach has been far more productive than “one size fits all” – age old adage. With tailor made digital marketing services, especially envisioned for your domain, it really does the wonder.
How do we digitally market you?
We, at EBS, approach your business as follows
Analyze > Probe > Master Plan > Execute > Assess > Report > Recalibrate
This is the standard approach that we have for comprehending any business domain. We analyze a prospect first, understanding what the business is really about, and what audience it caters to. This also involves understanding of the internal system of business, logistics, etc.
And then we probe the business. This means researching on how to carry out with the business within its own realm. What are the products or services and how can they be marketed successfully to a large ranger of customers.
Once we analyse and probe your business, we lay down a master plan. A strategic approach to grow the business and make it stable. This is a very researched based plan – which requires meticulous execution.
We than proceed to executing the master plan which runs along the same line of the plan. The execution is one of the crucial and critical steps of our approach, since it gives way to some loopholes in the master plan. And this takes us to the next step of assessing a given business. This helps us to identify them and execute them with fool proofness the next time.
We assess and reassess our strategies, planning and execution time and again. Since the marketing is continuously evolving and altering, with behavior of people vacillating between different sellers. We intend to make them stable.
Once we do follow all the steps, it is time for the creation of the report. We make a very diligent report, summarizing all of our activities and the performance of your business. And we add our suggestion as to what more should we do to gain more in terms of business. And once we have learnt all the lessons, we ensure to recalibrate our strategies by making miniscule yet crucial decisions. After all, it’s the small things, which matter the most in the bigger picture.
Why choose EBS as your digital marketers?
We at EBS provide are fully equipped both intellectually and in terms of resourcefulness as well.
Disciplined team
We are highly disciplined with what we do. We ensure timely initiation and delivery of the project, with results that dazzle your eyes. Even before we initiate with the project, we perspicaciously observe your project. Figure out the loop holes and impediments that are hindering conducive outcomes.
Moreover, we recalibrate our approach if the need be. And we ensure all this by sheer and sincere dedication towards our work.
Great Reputation
The reputation that we as EBS enjoy is a remarkable one. And this is that reputation that we have earned over a long period of time by delivering consistent and desirable results. All of our customers are not only satisfied with our services, but they renew their services once the contract is over.
Moreover, our sincerity with our clients fetches us many referrals. This in itself is a remarkable scenario – where you can imagine the trust clients have in our name.
Passion to commitment
We as a team are dedicated to fulfilling our commitments that we make to our clients. We constantly keep a strong check on the process we have undertaken and don’t hesitate in walking an extra mile. Each team member across all hierarchies in our organization is selected on merit. We prefer a merit of attitude over qualifications.
And this is what really grows to define our work in the longer run.
Constant update
Apart from the ardent fervor we have for our work, we ensure to update ourselves. Digital marketing across all social media platforms are constantly evolving. And missing out on important updates or ignoring them can be quite fatal.
Therefore, we keep our eyes wide open for any sort of recent update and take no time in executing our plans along the same lines.
Wholesome approach
We ensure to approach digital marketing services in an extremely wholesome manner. There are multiple aspects of digital marketing. And fulfilling just one of them is not going to be enough. It is a bad sub optimal solution for the success you seek.
Therefore, we ensure that we a multi-dimensional approach, hitting the target via multiple ways. And hence ensuring success.
How digital marketing works? (H3)
Digital marketing helps you to gain more exposure in a given market place. It helps you to establish your brand presence by reaching out to broad masses. For this, digital marketing ensures to use all the socially engaging platforms very effectively to tap a market.
How digital marketing grows your business?
Digital marketing services makes you reach out to a greater number of people and build your trust among them. Digital marketing helps you to solidify the image of your brand by repeatedly and persistently pushing your content to the viewers.
What does digital marketing do?
Digital marketing enables you as a seller to showcase your product, service or experience to a wide range of audience. Digital marketing helps build up a brand by continuous exposure of your brand in front of the people.
How is digital marketing different from traditional marketing?
Digital marketing is light years away and ahead of traditional marketing. Digital marketing opens up a larger space for your products and services. It is quite cheap. And in the beginning, it is literally free. Plus, it opens you to a larger set of audience.
Traditional marketing is limited way of targeting customers and is often hyper localized. It also becomes quite expensive if you want to play it out on a larger scale.
What is digital marketing all about?
Digital marketing is all about creation of digital content for the consumption of the people. Yet, it must be valuable and immersive, providing a wholesome experience to the people. The more appealing your content, the better your placement amongst masses in digital terms.
Will AI replace digital marketing?
AI cannot, will not and will never be able to replace digital marketing. At best, AI would only make digital marketing a lot more efficient and result oriented. The incorporation of AI in digital marketing will reduce the time of work of digital marketers.
How is digital marketing useful?
Digital marketing is not only desirable, it is also eminently crucial for any one to incorporate in their business. It has the power to unleash the locked up potential and make you reach greater heights.
How digital marketing helps small business?
Small businesses stay small due to lack of reach in the world market. Digital marketing helps small business, which serve quality product or services, to reach out to a broader set of audience. This then ensure the opening of the gates of success.