
Our Services

Dental Implants

Computer-Guided Dental Implants

Dental implants have become a widely embraced solution for countless individuals worldwide, effectively restoring smiles in cases of tooth loss. This sought-after intervention is applicable regardless of whether the missing tooth is due to genetic conditions, tooth decay, gum disease, or injury.

Dental implants provide a dependable avenue for a transformative smile makeover, as they mimic the natural tooth in terms of feel, appearance, and functionality. Notably, with proper care and maintenance, these implants are crafted to endure a lifetime.

What are Dental Implants?

In the implant process, a post is surgically placed deep within the jawbone, and a connector is attached to it. A crown or dental bridge is then placed over the connector to fill the space left by missing teeth. Nowadays, these implants are typically made of titanium, a metal well-tolerated by the body.

Shaped like screws, dental implants are inserted into the jawbone during surgery. After a healing period of a few months, bone starts to form around the post. It takes approximately one to two years for the metal screw to permanently fuse with the jawbone, creating a root-like structure.

Dental implants are versatile, capable of replacing multiple missing teeth or just one. They are popular because they are safe, don’t affect nearby teeth during placement, and don’t contribute to jawbone deterioration. At Diamond Dental Bundoora Clinic, we offer these reliable dental solutions that also provide support for dentures and bridges.

Different Types Of Dental Implants

So far, there are only two popular types of dental implants that are ideal tooth replacement options. They include:

1- Endosteal Implants:
This is the most popular option that is a preferred alternative for all patients with healthy gums and jawbone. In this dental implant procedure, the dentist digs a hole inside the jawbone and fits the post or cylinder deep inside. Once the area has healed, the surgeon or dentist will fix a crown or bridge upon it.
2- Subperiosteal Implants:
This type is used when the jawbone is unhealthy. If the jawbone hurts or is infected, the surgeon will not fit the implant directly. Instead, a metal frame is fixed to connect the jawbone to the post. Then, the gum is allowed to heal as the post integrates into the jawbone. Once both have healed and are stable enough, the dental specialist embeds the bridge or crown onto the post while allowing it to protrude through the gum.

What are the benefits of Dental Implants?

Implants provide a number of important cosmetic and functional benefits:


They are a permanent solution, providing teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.


They do not slip, so there is no discomfort or embarrassment.


You can clean implants along with natural teeth.


Implants are strong enough to provide a reliable foundation for chewing.


They prevent bone loss and maintain the jawbone’s shape and density. This ensures the integrity of the facial structure and facial appearance.


Implants do not compromise the health of surrounding teeth, unlike traditional options such as bridges.

Our Services

Dental Implants
Crown and Bridges
Wisdom Tooth
Kids Dentistry
Clear Aligners
Comprehensive Checkup and Clean
Teeth Whitening
Emergency Dentistry
Tooth Filling
Root Canal Treatment

Want to Restore Your Smile

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